Oct 25, 2023

Automatic Google Analytics Parameter Tracking

Get Campaign details added to your leads

Automatic Google Analytics parameter tracking can be accomplished with LeadBoxer and adds the values to your leads. We do this by automatically capturing the utm_* parameters from the landing pages and adding the UTM values to each lead profile.

In the near future we will also allow you to filter and rank based on these parameters

What Are UTM Parameters?

UTM parameters are tags that you add to a landing page or URL. When someone clicks and lands on a URL with UTM parameters, those tags are sent back to your Google Analytics for tracking.

For example, lets say I want to track clicks to a page called ‘mypage’ from a transactional email that I send out after one month. I would then insert a link to my site in that email:

https://mysite.com/mypage?utm_source=transactinalmail&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=User :: Send 1 month followup

Any website visitor clicking on that link will subsequently show up in LeadBoxer like this:

Example of how tracing url parameters appear on the LeadBoxer interface

How to Create UTM Parameters for Your pages

The simplest way to create UTM parameters for your links is by using the Google Analytics URL Builder. This page also has some helpful hints on how to use the different UTM parameters.

  • Campaign Source (utm_source) – Required parameter to identify the source of your traffic such as: search engine, newsletter, or other referral.
  • Campaign Medium (utm_medium) – Required parameter to identify the medium the link was used upon ie. : email, CPC, or other method of sharing.
  • Campaign Name (utm_campaign) – Required parameter to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign such as a Spring Sale or other promotion.
  • Campaign Term (utm_term) – Optional parameter suggested for paid search to identify keywords for your ad. You can skip this for Google AdWords if you have connected your AdWords and Analytics accounts and use the auto-tagging feature instead.
  • Campaign Content (utm_content) – Optional parameter for additional details for A/B testing and content-targeted ads.

You can learn more about how to tag your links in Google Analytics Help. It also contains a handy chart view with an example of one campaign with different sources & mediums.

Note that UTM parameters are case sensitive, which means if you use abc for your utm_campaign tags on some links and ABC for your utm_campaign tags on other links, they will show up as separate campaigns in your Google Analytics. Also note that UTM parameters will be shown in the browser’s address bar, so be sure you’re not using any tags that you would want to remain unseen.

Additional reading:

5 cool examples of UTM tracking
